This Sunday Forum

Sunday, July 22

@ 12:30pm

Voters Not Politicians of Marquette, Gene Champagne will host this Sunday’s Forum on gerrymandering at the Meeting House following the service.

Political strategist Karl Rove once said, “when you draw the lines, you make the rules.”

Giving politicians the power to draw the election maps they run in is putting the fox in charge of the hen house.

Politicians are very creative in how they manipulate election maps.

It’s time to take the power of redistricting away from politicians and put that power in the hands of Michigan voters.

Politicians don’t want us to take away their control to draw election maps because it helps them stay in power. If gerrymandering in Michigan continues, only one group of people benefit from the corrupt and manipulated system – the members of the State legislature and their armies of lobbyists.

For more information come to the forum learn more about gerrymandering and what you can do to empower the voter  & check out Voters Not Politicians.