Visitor’s Guide to Common Questions

When are Services?

Services start at 11:00 and usually end around 12:00, followed by a social gathering.

How do I get there?

Follow these directions and you should find your way.

Need a Ride To Services?

If you need a ride to Sunday services, call Sari at 225-1778 or Nancy at 249-3790.

Is the space wheelchair accessible?

Yes. The entire building is on one floor, so all of our rooms are wheelchair accessible.

What should I wear?

The members of our congregation attend church in a variety of styles of clothing. You are welcome to wear “business attire,” shorts and sandals, or anything in between.

Is there childcare/Sunday School during church?

Infants and Toddlers: There is childcare all year.
Other Children attend the first fifteen minutes or so of the service and then,:
In summer childcare is provided, often outside if the weather is nice.
During the rest of the year, religious education classes (Sunday School) are provided, ending about 12:15.
If my child doesn’t separate well, can she or he stay with me in the service?

Children of all ages are welcome to remain in the service.

Are bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgendered people welcome?

Our congregation is officially recognized by the Unitarian Universalist Association as a Welcoming Congregation. Everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, race or socio-economic status is welcome.

Are there people in the congregation who share my religious beliefs?

We welcome a diversity of beliefs. Our congregation includes theists, secular humanists, agnostics, atheists, Christians, pagans and others who all share a common affirmation of the Unitarian Universalist Principles and Purposes.

What goes on during the worship services?

Unitarian Universalist worship services tend to be less liturgical and ritual-based than those in many traditional churches, but our services have many common elements. Please go to the “Worship Services” page for a description of our typical service.

Do you rent out the building?

Yes we do. We have a building use policy you can read. If you have questions or want more information, you can contact our building use coordinator.

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For more information, please contact us.